Optimize Your Weight Loss Journey with Self-Monitoring

Losing weight is a transformative journey, especially after bariatric surgery. Procedures like sleeve gastrectomy and Roux-en-Y gastric bypass offer substantial potential for weight loss, improved health, and an enhanced quality of life. The journey doesn’t end with the surgery; rather, it marks the beginning of a new chapter where your active participation plays a crucial role in your long-term success.

It’s important to understand that weight loss outcomes can vary in the long term post-surgery. While many people achieve remarkable weight loss success, others face challenges in losing the optimal amount of weight during the first 12- 18 months post-surgery, a term known as inadequate weight loss.1

Additionally, other patients experience significant weight regain.

Recent studies suggest that by seven years post-sleeve gastrectomy, only 20% of patients maintain a weight loss greater than 50% of their excess body weight, which is one measure of weight loss success after surgery.2 This highlights the importance of effective weight management strategies, including self-monitoring.

Self-monitoring involves tracking various health aspects and behaviors contributing to weight loss or gain. It can include monitoring your calorie intake, physical activity level, and body weight. By keeping an eye on these factors, you become more aware of your habits and patterns, allowing you to make necessary adjustments for improved health.

Maximizing Success After Bariatric Surgery

Understanding the factors that influence bariatric surgery outcomes can help you take proactive steps toward your goals. Successful weight loss after surgery involves following dietary guidelines from your healthcare team, incorporating regular physical activity, and consistently monitoring your food intake and body weight.

Engaging with support systems, such as your bariatric clinic and support groups, also plays a crucial role in maintaining motivation and accountability. To read more about long-term strategies for success, read our blog.

The Power of Self-Monitoring

Self-monitoring is a simple yet powerful tool that can significantly impact your weight loss journey. Here’s why it’s so effective:

  • Increased Awareness: By logging your food intake, you become more aware of your eating habits. This awareness helps you make healthier choices and identify patterns that might be impacting your progress. It also ensures you reach crucial nutrition goals, like consuming enough protein.
  • Accountability: Tracking your weight and dietary habits holds you accountable. It’s a tangible way to see your progress and stay committed to your goals.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: Regular self-monitoring provides valuable data that can help you and your healthcare team make informed decisions about any needed adjustments to your diet, medications, or lifestyle.
  • Prevention of Weight Regain: Self-monitoring allows you to catch minor weight gains before they become significant, preventing 5 pounds of regain from turning into 50.
  • Motivation: Seeing your progress, even in small increments, can be incredibly motivating. It reinforces your positive changes and encourages you to keep going.

Trusting the Journey

Research shows that individuals who log their meals daily lose significantly more weight than those who don’t. Self-monitoring has also been shown to improve self-awareness, self-efficacy, and self-regulation – all crucial elements for a successful weight loss journey.

A recent paper highlights the impact of food tracking on weight loss outcomes at 24 months post-sleeve gastrectomy.3

  • Individuals tracking their food intake most days of the month lost 76% of their excess body weight.
  • By comparison, those logging 10 days a month lost 69% of their excess body weight over the same period.
    • This means that those who tracked their meals daily lost 9% more of their excess body weight than those who tracked less frequently.
  • On the lower end, sleeve gastrectomy without self-monitoring behaviors tends to result in about 45% loss of excess body weight at 24 months.
  • This indicates that people who self-monitor their food intake most days in the long-term post-surgery can expect to lose 40% more excess body weight than those who don’t!

These findings emphasize the critical role of consistent self-monitoring in achieving weight loss goals. By adopting consistent self-monitoring habits, you equip yourself with a powerful tool for achieving your weight loss goals.

Overcoming Barriers to Self-Monitoring

Despite the compelling evidence supporting self-monitoring, it is natural to feel hesitant or overwhelmed by the idea of tracking your daily activities. Let’s address some common barriers and how you can overcome them to make self-monitoring an integral, manageable part of your routine.

1. Time Constraints: One of the most frequently cited barriers to self-monitoring is the belief that it takes too much time. However, with various user-friendly apps and tools, logging your meals, exercise, and weight has never been easier. Devoting just a few minutes each day can yield substantial long-term benefits. Consider it an investment in your health and well-being.

2. Fear of Judgement: Many people fear being judged about their food choices or weight. Remember, self-monitoring is a private and personal tool meant to help you; it is not about perfection. It’s about staying informed and making gradual improvements. Judgment has no place in your journey; focus on self-compassion and growth.

3. Forgetfulness: Establishing a new habit can be challenging. To combat forgetfulness, set daily reminders on your phone or incorporate tracking into a specific part of your routine, such as after meals or during your evening wind-down. Consistency will eventually lead to a habit.

4. Emotional Triggers: At times, the act of recording everything you eat might feel like a constant reminder of challenges, which can be emotionally taxing. Acknowledge these feelings without judgment.

5. Perceived Complexity: The self-monitoring process might seem complex or intimidating at first. Start small. Begin by tracking one impactful aspect, like your daily meals, before gradually expanding your efforts. Simplifying the process makes it more approachable and sustainable.

By recognizing and addressing these barriers head-on, you can transform self-monitoring from a daunting task into a fundamental component of your success strategy.

Addressing Emotional and Psychological Aspects

Weight loss is not just a physical journey; it’s also an emotional and psychological one. Many people experience feelings of guilt and shame around their food choices and/or body weight, leading them to avoid self-monitoring, which can hinder their weight loss progress.

Addressing these aspects is essential for long-term success. Some helpful strategies include:

  • Working with a therapist or joining support groups to address underlying emotional and psychological factors surrounding weight.
  • Building in ways to cope with emotions such as physical activity, journaling, meditation, deep breathing, or practicing mindfulness.
  • Being kind and patient with yourself throughout the journey. Create an empowering mindset by practicing positive self-talk. Remind yourself of your strengths and achievements, and focus on the progress you’re making rather than setbacks.

Everyone’s journey is unique, and it’s essential to personalize your approach to self-monitoring. The key is to find a balance that works for you, ensuring it integrates seamlessly into your lifestyle rather than feeling like a chore. Some days you may feel more motivated than others, and that’s perfectly normal. Remember, it’s not about being perfect; it’s about consistency and making progress over time. Use self-monitoring as a flexible tool to support your goals, celebrate your victories no matter how small, and learn from the challenges without self-judgment.

There’s an App for That, Baritastic!

Now that you understand the importance of self-monitoring, it’s time to introduce you to a tool that can make this process even easier and more effective: Baritastic. This comprehensive app is designed specifically for individuals on a weight loss journey after bariatric surgery, and the best part is it’s free to use!

Here’s how it can help:

1. Easy Food Logging: Baritastic makes logging your meals simple and convenient. You can quickly record your food intake and track your nutritional values. You can even scan food items directly from the package for easy entry!

2. Regular Weigh-Ins: The app allows you to track your weight regularly, providing visual progress charts that motivate and encourage you.

3. Connectivity with Your Clinic: Stay connected with your bariatric clinic for ongoing support and guidance. This feature ensures you have access to professional advice whenever you need it.

4. Comprehensive Tracking and Reminders: Beyond food and body weight, Baritastic helps you track your hydration, vitamins, and more, and allows you to set up alerts to help you remember these crucial tasks.

Ready to Start?

Your weight loss journey is unique, and you have the power to shape it. By embracing self-monitoring, you’re taking an active role in your success. The Baritastic app is here to support you every step of the way, making it easier to stay on track and achieve your goals. Download Baritastic today and take the first step toward a healthier, happier you. You’ve got this!


  1. Doğan S et al. Residual Gastric Volume Relationship and Weight Loss After Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy. Obes Surg. 2020;30(5):1929-1934.
  2. Lind R et al. Long-term outcomes of sleeve gastrectomy: weight recurrence and surgical non-responders. Obesity Surgery.2023;33(1):3028-3034.
  3. Story et al. The Impact of Self-Monitoring Behaviors and Connectivity to a Bariatric Clinic via a Mobile Application on Long-Term Weight Loss Outcomes after Sleeve Gastrectomy [White Paper]. https://www.baritastic.com/white-paper/ Accessed 6/7/2024.